High Asset Divorce Long Island
Going through a divorce can be a stressful time in the lives of both spouses. Especially in the case of a high asset divorce, it can become even more tiresome to anguish over the allocation of each spouse’s assets. There is enough that a person must deal with when going through this difficult time. So worry not, and leave the work to the Hicksville Divorce Lawyer of Simonetti & Associates. Here we can help pair you with the best financial experts tailored to your specific needs.
The importance of financial experts with a high net worth divorce attorney long island
When coping with the hardship of a divorce, this can bring about emotional and financial strain upon each spouse. Couples who have accumulated a higher number of assets usually correlate with a higher level of complexity when dealing with the breakdown of finances. Seeking the aid of financial experts as well as valuation experts and forensic accountants at the Hicksville Divorce Lawyer of Simonetti & Associates will allow you to protect your assets and ensure that there is an equitable distribution of those assets.
Hidden Assets
In a divorce case, honesty is always a concern in regards to hidden assets. Each spouse has a legal obligation to disclose all information regarding their assets in all forms. In these situations, a valuation expert is especially useful when a spouse is thought to have concealed assets. Ways that a spouse will attempt to conceal an asset is transferring them to an account that their former spouse is unaware of. Also, commonly a spouse will undervalue a property, such as a small business, in attempts to prevent their former spouse from claiming any available assets contributed to that. The advice from a valuation expert or forensic accountant will ensure that there will be no hidden assets by the conclusion of the case.
Overlooked Assets
Similar to hidden assets, valuation experts, as well as forensic accounts, can help to uncover any assets that may be difficult to place a price value on. For example, certain collectibles or artwork may be impossible to identify a dollar-price and the assistance of a Hicksville divorce lawyer and financial experts may be just what you need in these types of situations. Additionally, life insurance policies consist of a large amount of value especially for couples with a higher net worth. When couples do not seek out the guidance of these financial experts, many of these policies go unnoticed and each party can result in a loss of assets.
The help from our lawyers and experts here at Simonetti & Associates will allow you to receive honest, trustworthy and quality care in the process of your divorce. In the event that you are concerned that you are not receiving a fair distribution of assets during your divorce case, refer to our financial experts to let us uncover any hidden or overlooked assets. A high asset divorce can bring about complexities in a divorce case. Our financial experts can guarantee that there will be a fair and equitable agreement in the final divorce settlement.
We offer free consultations to those interested in working with us.
Pertinent Information
High Net Worth Divorce Attorney Suffolk County
Long Island is one of the most expensive suburbs in New York State and an established career is essential in order to afford a comfortable lifestyle. Working long hours to afford a lavished lifestyle can cause issues within your marital relationship, and this rift can cause you and your loved one to head towards divorce.
Divorce causes plenty of emotions such as sadness, regret, frustration, and anger. As some couples have built businesses together or hold a significant share in a company or professional practice, this can make their divorce complex and can cause extra stress when it comes to money and the division of these assets.
How Can We Provide Assistance?
Our team works closely to make sure you are treated fairly when it comes to the distribution of assets and the protection of your financial interests. Our extensive experience dealing with high asset cases involve an assessment and distribution of the marital estate, businesses, real estate, investments, retirement accounts, investments, alimony, and child support.
In some cases, one partner may have private bank accounts and hidden assets. Private investigators and forensic accountants may be called in to investigate to make sure each partner gets what is deserved.
Those who possess a substantial amount of assets need specific attention to make sure that each partner is receiving a fair amount. We also recognize that those who have a career to protect need their divorce to be discreet. Simonetti & Associates understands the unique needs of a high asset divorce and will provide you with innovative solutions to protect your best interest.
Contact Us – High Net Worth Divorce Lawyer Nassau County
Voted Long Island’s Best Divorce Lawyer with over 28 years of experience in Divorce, Child Custody, Adoption, Same-sex divorce, Pre- and postnuptial agreements, Father’s rights, Separation agreements, Protection orders, and Meditation. To help keep your legal costs at a minimum, call 877-385-2560.
Frequently Asked Questions About Divorce in New York
Answers from experienced attorneys in Nassau and Suffolk Counties on Long Island
If you are wondering how to get divorced in New York or about any other aspect of New York divorces, Simonetti & Associates can help. Our goal is to educate and inform you, so you can make the best decisions for your family. With more than 25 years of experience, our knowledgeable divorce attorneys provide answers to questions regarding divorce in New York:
- Who can file for divorce in New York?
- What are the residency requirements for divorce in New York?
- Do I have to prove fault to get a divorce?
- Do I need a lawyer?
- What happens if I cannot pay my bills during my divorce because my spouse was the primary breadwinner?
- How is custody determined?
- Since filing for divorce, my spouse does not let me see our children. What can I do?
- What can I ask for in my divorce?
- Can a divorce agreement be changed?
Contact the Long Island, NY divorce law firm that gives you value for your money
If you are looking for quality legal representation at an affordable price, contact Simonetti & Associates. Our main office is in Woodbury, and we have a second office in downtown New York. With more than 29 years of experience, we work diligently to solve your family law disputes as quickly and efficiently as possible. We offer flexible scheduling and return calls after hours to accommodate your busy life. To arrange a free initial consultation, call 877-385-2560 or contact us online.
Who can file for divorce in New York?
To file for divorce in New York, you must meet the state residency requirements. New York allows same-sex couples to separate or divorce in the same ways and under the same rules as heterosexual couples.
What are the residency requirements for divorce in New York?
A plaintiff may file for divorce in New York if any of the following statements apply:
- The couple was married in New York and at least one spouse has been a resident for a continuous period of one year prior to filing.
- The couple has lived in New York as husband and wife and either party has resided in the state for a continuous period of one year prior to filing.
- Either party has been a resident of New York for a continuous period of at least two years prior to filing.
Do I have to prove fault to get a divorce?
New York is a no-fault state, which means you can get divorced without proving your spouse did anything specific to undermine your marriage. In a no-fault case, the grounds for divorce are an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage for at least six months, meaning that the marriage relationship is past any hope of repair.
Do I need a lawyer?
While you have no obligation to hire an attorney, a good divorce lawyer can save you time and money and reduce frustration in the long run. If you are not satisfied with your current representation, call us to discuss how we can help you transition seamlessly to our firm.
What happens if I cannot pay my bills during the divorce because my spouse was the primary breadwinner?
During divorce proceedings, the court can order temporary child support or temporary spousal maintenance. This provides financial support until the court issues a final judgment in your divorce. The final judgment may continue spousal support after the divorce, although there are no guarantees. However, the final judgment consummates the division of assets so you can begin rebuilding your financial stability.
How is custody determined?
Judges consider a number of factors when deciding who gets custody of the children. These include:
- The strength of each parent’s relationship and bond with the children
- Which parent is the primary caregiver for the children
- Which parent is most likely to encourage visitation with the other parent
- Whether each parent is physically and mentally capable of caring for the child
Previous domestic violence, neglect, abuse and other negative actions can weigh heavily against a parent seeking custody.
Since filing for divorce, my spouse refuses to let me see our children. What can I do?
Sadly, in many divorce cases where custody is an issue, one parent will attempt to withhold the children from the other parent. At the same time, that parent may seek to improperly influence the children with negative comments and disparaging remarks about the other parent in an attempt to damage the relationship between them. This is known as parental alienation. To enforce your parental rights, we can seek an order of temporary custody or visitation until your divorce is finalized. If you do nothing, you risk letting your relationship with your children deteriorate.
What can I ask for in my divorce?
You have the right to ask the court to grant several different forms of relief in your divorce, including child custody, child support, alimony, equitable distribution of property and orders of protection.
Can a divorce agreement be changed?
Yes. If your life circumstances change substantially, you may request a modification of your divorce settlement agreement or divorce decree. A proficient family law attorney can assist you in obtaining the modification.
High Asset Divorce in Suffolk County
There are many common mistakes that are made during high asset divorces in Suffolk County. Divorce is overwhelming, to begin with, then add a high net worth and the stress of it all begins to skyrocket. At Simonetti & Associates, we recognize that when our clients are going through a high asset divorce in Suffolk County it is important to pay attention to a few specific things in particular.
Settling a divorce that involved individuals of high net worth are more challenging than an average divorce because there are many more assets for the parties to fight over. High asset divorces in Suffolk County require talented attorneys such as Simonetti & Associates because the layer must be able to see the worth in all that is being divided and advise the client on the smartest move to take when choosing what to fight for.
Among the most complicated things about high asset divorces in Suffolk County is scenarios that involve a family business, or running a business together. This is usually a problem because if they want the business to continue each side must equally contribute to the business. Simonetti & Associates says that they need to have the business vaulted to determine the worth and then from there its assets will be assessed. What can also be complicated in high asset divorces in Suffolk County are joined retirement plays such as IRA’s, or 401 K plans, pensions, trusts, and real estate holdings.
Simonetti & Associates says that one of the most important things to do during a high asset divorce in Suffolk County is to make sure you find all of the assets such as homes, cars, boats, businesses, jewelry, etc. This is important because if your ex-spouse is hiding something from you, you will not be getting the fair amount. It is also important not to hide anything from your ex-spouse during a high asset divorce in Suffolk County because this action can be considered illegal, and it can work against your case when trying to separate the assets.
If you are a high net worth individual and are interested in learning more about a high asset divorce in Suffolk County schedule an appointment with Long Island’s best, Simonetti & Associates. To make an appointment call 877-385-2560 or visit our website at https://bestlongislanddivorce.com.
High Asset Divorce Lawyer Suffolk County
Going through a high asset divorce is never easy and usually causes much emotional distress on both spouses. This is why hiring the right experienced divorce attorney is the best thing you can do for yourself in order to take the emotional burden off yourself. There are many things that an experienced attorney can do for you and they will help the whole process of the divorce go as quick and easy for you as possible. Here at Simonetti & Associates, pride ourselves on expert client care and esteemed professional assistance.
Assistance & Professional Help
One of the most important things that your attorney will be able to do for you is uncovered all assets that your spouse may be hiding from you. A lot of times in a divorce one spouse may feel slighted and think that they are entitled to more of the assets and will attempt to hide them. Your attorney can use the legal power of discovery to uncover such assets so that you can then both decide what is rightfully yours.
Your attorney will also handle all of the negotiations with your spouse’s attorney so that you don’t have to worry about getting into an argument with your soon to be ex-spouse. This will take most of the emotion out of it allowing you to take this time to heal.
Your attorney will also be able to evaluate all of the settlements that your spouse will try and propose to you and they will be able to tell you if they think the offer is the right one for you or if they think that you should be asking for more. When you retain your attorney they will also be able to help with any child custody issues that may arise as well as any other legal issue you may encounter throughout the process.
Who To Contact?
Hiring an attorney during a divorce is one of the smartest decisions that you can make. They will make everything go quickly and make sure it impacts your life as less as possible. If you are in the Westbury area then having the best divorce attorney nearby can make the process as efficient as possible. For further assistance, contact Simonetti & Associates today!
Divorce Settlements Long Island
At Simonetti & Associates, we want to make sure you have plenty of benefits during this difficult situation. By taking the steps outlined above, you can help save your money and financial assets. We are a well-reputed divorce lawyer in Westbury, so if you think you can benefit from our services, do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our attorneys today!
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