Voted Best Long Island Divorce Lawyer

Simonetti & Associates, Nassau County Divorce Lawyer

What is The Difference Between a Divorce Lawyer and Divorce Mediation?

Divorce is a difficult subject for many people. It can have many long-standing emotional and psychological effects on you and the people around you, and you should not have to go through the process alone. Our Suffolk County Divorce Attorney would be happy to help you go through the process and help you keep the property that is rightfully yours.

What is a Divorce Lawyer?Suffolk County Divorce Attorney

In the state of New York, if the marital relationship has been broken for at least six months, a spouse can make a case for divorce. This does not mean that your divorce will be uncontested. You still will need to resolve:

  • The division of assets (property, investment accounts, etc.) and the division of debts (mortgages, liabilities, etc.)
  • Child custody and support
  • Spousal maintenance or alimony

The court will then decide how to settle your divorce, and without our Suffolk County Divorce Attorney, you are running the risk of losing the property to which you are entitled. 

What is Divorce Mediation?

Divorce mediation is an alternative to a costly divorce because both spouses are willing to negotiate in good faith. The benefits include:

  • Having better control over the outcome of your divorce rather than having a judge make the decisions
  • Making decisions in the best interest of both parties and the family
  • Significantly cheaper and far less emotionally stressful than testifying in court
  • It is more private by keeping your private information away from public court records.

Spouses who have reached an agreement from mediation are more likely to follow the terms set by their divorce. They are also more likely to maintain a relationship that will work for their children.

Suffolk County Divorce Attorney

Simonetti & Associates can represent you for your divorce or your mediation. If you are looking for the best Suffolk County Divorce Attorney or all of Long Island, look no further. Simonetti and Associates have been serving Long Island and New York City for many years and have been recognized as “Best of LI’s” Best Divorce Lawyer for six consecutive years. Visit us online for more information or to request a free consultation.

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Divorce Lawyer