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Simonetti & Associates, Nassau County Divorce Lawyer

What is Uncontested Divorce in New York?

Going through a divorce can be challenging, and stressful. Our team at Simonetti & Associates wants to help you get the legal help you need. Our professional lawyers will guide you seamlessly through the process of finalizing your divorce. Contact divorce attorney Nassau County for any legal questions.

What is an Uncontested Divorce?

An uncontested divorce has two different meanings in the state of New York. They are both implemented to protect each individual involved. First, it is a term used when the two spouses have already settled any issues that would need to be settled in court. Second, it is uncontested when your spouse fails to appear in court. Both spouses must not have any financial disputes and must agree on the divorce.

The Benefits of an Uncontested Divorcedivorce attorney Nassau County

The benefits of uncontested divorce will make the process shorter, cheaper, and private. It is more cooperative and efficient for both parties involved.

  • Privacy- The process is more private. It also keeps your private assets safe and out of the hands of people involved in the proceeding.
  • Cost- An uncontested divorce is almost the cheapest way of getting a divorce. It is cheaper than getting a regular divorce.
  • Faster Process- In an uncontested divorce, there are far fewer proceedings and allow both parties to get back to their lives. The length will depend on the cooperation of both parties and the size of the marital estate.

It is not suggested to get an uncontested divorce if the couple has a history of domestic violence and physical or emotional abuse. Contact divorce attorney Nassau County for advice and options. 

Why Should You Get a Lawyer for an Uncontested Divorce?

An attorney is necessary for an uncontested divorce in New York. Our lawyers will give you legal advice and the correct route to go about the divorce process. It is crucial to get a lawyer if you have large assets or children involved. If you are interested in a divorce support group, click here

Contact Simonetti and Associates – Divorce Attorney Nassau County

If you require legal help, Simonetti & Associates are here to help. We are dedicated to representing you fairly in court and getting your life back. Visit our website for more information and legal advice. 

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