The difficulties the servicemen and women of the United States face do not go underappreciated by our team at Simonetti & Associates. All the sacrifices they make to keep us safe is a debt that is hard to be repaid, but we strive to do what we can. That is why our Suffolk family lawyer would be happy to represent anyone going through a military divorce on Long Island. While they are similar to regular divorces, a military divorce comes with nuisances that our team is well equipped to handle. For more information, continue reading.
Delaying Your Divorce
Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, military members are protected from certain aspects of divorce. If you are on, or will soon be deployed on active-duty and your spouse filed for divorce, our Suffolk family lawyer will help you delay this. The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act allows active-duty members to delay the divorce until they can attend court hearings. Although it is not guaranteed, our team will help prove this should take place.
Military Benefits
Those who are covered under their spouses’ military retirement fund and medical benefits may lose access to this after a divorce. This subject matter can be tricky to deal with, but our Suffolk family lawyer will help through the mediation process of how coverage will be affected. Examples of what the courts will look at to determine this include:- How long the marriage lasted
- Length of the military service
- The amount of time that overlapped between the marriage and active military service