Complex Divorce Attorney in Woodbury, New York

A divorce becomes complex when the related issues require a third party to mediate. These factors can include monetary ones regarding taxes or marital assets. Non monetary issues such as drug abuse, adultery, or gambling can also make a divorce complex. If you live or work in the Woodbury, New York area, there are three different ways to resolve conflict and come to a mutual agreement. These options are mediation, collaborative law, and litigation.

If you choose to undergo mediation, this entails working with your spouse to reach a decision that will benefit both parties. An advantage of this is you will have the opportunity to present any relevant information you wish to share. In return, your partner will be given the same opportunity.This can provide you with clarity on your spouse’s perspective. If you don’t think mediation is right for the job, it is recommended to work with an expert with the knowledge and experience in this field.

In collaborative law, each side is provided with an attorney who will be representing what is in their client’s best interests. This option is preferred over litigation because it takes place outside of the courtroom. In litigation, both you and your partner will present your case to the court. Whereas in mediation and collaborative law certain information can remain private, anything shared in litigation becomes public. This is important to consider when deciding whether your Woodbury complex divorce cases should be conducted through mediation, collaborative law, or litigation as there may be sensitive information one or both spouses will not want publicly made available.

With an office in Woodbury, Simonetti & Associates have been representing clients going through a complex divorce since 1990. We understand the daily demands of life and finding the time for to meet with your attorney can be difficult. This is why our appointment times are flexible and we will return your calls even if they are after hours. For more information, you can call 877-385-2560 or contact us online.