Divorce Attorney in Nassau County

Finding the Best Divorce Lawyer in Nassau County

Finding a divorce lawyer in Nassau County can be pretty tough. There are many steps one must go through in order to find the perfect one. You want to find a divorce lawyer whom you are comfortable with and know that they have your best interests in mind. Simonetti & Associates was voted Best Divorce Attorney on Long Island in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, & 2019! If you are currently living in Nassau County, or around the area, Simonetti & Associates is your best answer for a top-rated divorce attorney in Nassau County. Check here, they were voted Best of Long Island 6 years in a row!

Simonetti & Associates, a Nassau County Divorce Lawyer, has been in practice for over 25 years, not only in just Nassau County but all over the island. But, we are considered a firm with a top divorce attorney in Nassau County. With your wallet and time in their hands, they are extremely considerate of what you are giving them. A cheap divorce lawyer in an expensive living area such as Long Island, NY can be difficult to locate. If you’re searching for a divorce attorney in Nassau County, this law firm team in Nassau County makes themselves available virtually any time of the day and night for you. They know how important it is to be in constant contact with your lawyer so flexible hours are a necessity to them. You can expect phone calls being made after hours, as well from our Nassau family lawyer.

It is extremely important to feel at ease with your divorce lawyer. If you feel that you are not experiencing such feelings, the transition over to Simonetti & Associates is a lot easier than it sounds. Whether you are living in Nassau County or not, Lou Simonetti and his law team will be more than happy to serve you with our Nassau County Divorce Lawyer. Even if the phone call to your current divorce attorney in Nassau County is discomforting to you, Simonetti & Associates will be more than willing to do it for you.

Contact Us – Nassau Divorce ESQ

The Best Divorce Attorney in Nassau County, Simonetti & Associates, offers cost-efficient services with our Nassau family lawyer. Such services include divorce, adoption, child custody, mediation, alimony and much more. Once you join the team over at Simonetti & Associates, you will see why they were voted two years in a row the best divorce lawyers on Long Island. Should you be on the fence or simply need questions answered, Simonetti & Associates is a Long Island divorce attorney that offers a free consultation service.
Check us out on Facebook and call us for any need you may have for our Nassau family lawyer.

About Simonetti & Associates in Nassau County

Located in the western part of Long Island, Nassau County is the second-highest populated county in the state of New York (second to only New York City) with a growing population of nearly 14 million residents. The county has been cited as being of the most expensive living locations in the country, making services such as a divorce attorney more costly as opposed to other locations. The current county executive (as of 2019) is Laura Curran, who is the 9th executive in the county’s history and the first woman to hold the position. For more information on Nassau County and its residents, please visit their website here. For assistance, please contact our Nassau Family Lawyer.

About Suffolk County 

Aside from serving the area of Nassau County, Simonetti & Associate’s is also proud to share that their team extends their efforts to Suffolk County as well. As a divorce lawyer in Suffolk County, Lou Simonetti and his team can help with any of your family law needs! Suffolk County is the more suburban and eastern part of Long Island compared to its neighbors. As of 2017, the population was estimated to be close to 1,492,953, which made it the 4th most populated county in the state of New York. It is the largest of Long Islands four counties, and the second-largest county within all 62 counties of New York State. According to their website, they are New York’s leading agricultural county, due to the temperate weather, abundance of clean water, and the quality of the soil.

Bad Social Media Habits to Avoid During a Divorce – Nassau County Divorce Lawyer

Nassau Divorce ESQSimonetti & Associates is a family law office, that includes a divorce lawyer in Nassau County, with over 30 years of experience counseling clients from Nassau and Suffolk County on ordeals such as divorce. Going through a divorce can be a very challenging situation, and because of this many emotions are involved. Often couples in this situation choose to take the most available outlet to vent their emotions and in today’s age, social media has become this outlet. Social Media has become a great part of many people’s daily life, it has become a way to share achievements, get in contact with friends and family, and also make new friends. However, when going through a divorce social media can become very damaging. 

Some bad social media habits you should avoid:

It is very important that when going through a divorce one takes a step back to analyze their social media habits. Social media should never be the first place you go when wanting to share personal information about your divorce. Some tips for avoiding bad habits include:

  • Avoid bad-mouthing your ex: When posting it is very important to watch what you say about your ex-spouse, especially if children are involved. This is because oftentimes if Lawyers and Judges see these posts they will assume that you talk negatively about your spouse in front of your children as well. 
  • Avoid sharing legal information: In any legal issue it is important to not share any of the legal information on social media, but even more important when going through a divorce. It can be very tempting to want to get opinions from the outside world, but you should never discuss your divorce strategies or procedures on the internet. 
  • Avoid posting/ being tagged in inappropriate photos: Often photos that you are posted or tagged in can be very harmful when going through a divorce. Situations such as posting yourself with a drink or other incriminating photos can lead to evidence used against you in court. 

What you can do instead of going to social media:

It is understandable that going through a divorce is a very difficult situation, and because of this, you may want to voice your emotions. Here are some healthy and helpful coping mechanisms that can be used instead of social media, recommended by our Nassau Divorce ESQ:

  • Reach out to others for support: You can do this by talking to close friends, and/or family members that you trust. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to friends or family you can also go to a therapist and talk through your situation. You mustn’t just bottle up your emotions
  • Pursue new friendships: This can be important especially if you and your spouse shared the same friend group. Often surrounding yourself with people who don’t know about your divorce situation can be a breath of fresh air. Try joining new activities, joining community groups, talking to new faces at work, and volunteering.

Contact us:

If you or someone you know are going through a difficult divorce and need help, Simonetti & Associates a divorce lawyer in Nassau County can help you through this process. Please feel free to visit our website for more information. 

When Is My Divorce Final In New York State? – Nassau Divorce ESQ

Divorce Lawyer in Nassau CountyWhen you decide to divorce your spouse, you usually are not thinking of the legal process that you may be going through soon. The time and money divorce will cost you depends heavily on the type of divorce you will be going through. If you are trying to get divorced, the first step is filing a divorce petition. After this, the terms and conditions of your divorce have to be settled. This process can be longer depending on the terms your spouse and you have to resolve. If you are seeking help from a divorce lawyer in Nassau County, reach out to Simonetti & Associates and we will help you through this strenuous process.

How Our Attorney Can Help:

After you have filled a divorce petition, your divorce process has begun. In a divorce, you and your spouse must agree on the terms of the divorce. If you and your spouse agree, then you will have an uncontested divorce. These types of divorces are quicker, and sometimes don’t even require you to appear in court. However, if you can not agree on divorce terms then you will have to go through the divorce process in a divorce court to settle the terms before you can be divorced. If you are having issues in a divorce case contact us at Simonetti & Associates, divorce lawyers in Nassau County. Some of the terms that need to be settled in a contested divorce case before you can be divorced from your spouse include:

  • Division of property Divorcing parties exchange and submit varying documents that confirm things like income, assets, property, etc. Then, because New York is an equitable distribution state a judge will distribute any marital property equitably or fairly.
  • Child Custody- Who will have custody of any children of the spouses. This can be given to a single parent or be joint. Parents with custody care for the wellbeing, education, living conditions, etc. of the child/children. 
  • Child Support If one party has certain conditions met with the child custody, such as caring for the child more than half the time, then they may be liable for child support from the other parent. The court uses a system, or formula, to come up with a fair amount of child support to be paid.
  • Alimony- The payment that one party will make to the other during and/or after a divorce. It is sometimes referred to as spousal maintenance in New York. Either party can request alimony, but the court will look at income, expenses, and various other documents to determine if one party should receive alimony and how much.

Visit A Divorce Lawyer in Nassau County: 

Many different factors need to be settled or agreed upon in a divorce court before your divorce can be filed and completed. After all the factors are settled upon, a Judge will sign off on it. In New York, after a Judge signs your Judgment of Divorce papers, and a clerk enters them, you are officially done with the divorce process and you are divorced. If you are seeking help from divorce lawyers in Nassau County, contact us at Simonetti & Associates and let us help you through the process.

Common Mistakes Made In Child Custody Cases

Getting a divorce can be a taxing and tenuous task for all parties involved but can be even more so when your child is involved. When the couple split up in a divorce with a child, the issue of child custody comes up. Child custody cases resolve who will take care, custody, and control of the child. This can be assigned to one or both parents. A parent with custody of a child takes care of their upbringing, education, place of living, and even scheduling time with the other parent if necessary. However, no matter how your divorce case plays out, there are many mistakes you can make that can affect your custody case over your child. If you are dealing with a divorce or custody case and need a divorce lawyer in Nassau County, contact us at Simonetti & Associates to help represent you.

Common Mistakes in Custody Cases:

When in a custody case, you would want to do everything you can to achieve a favorable outcome. However, there are some mistakes that you can make that will sabotage your chances of a good outcome from your child custody case. If you are looking for a divorce lawyer in Nassau County to help you in your custody case, reach out to Simonetti & Associates and get the help you need today with our Nassau family ESQ. Some critical mistakes made in custody cases include:

  • Getting too emotional– Losing your cool, yelling, threatening, or any other signs of violence can be used in the case against you and ruin custody rights you may have been able to get otherwise.
  • Abusing Social Media– Openly criticizing your spouse or bad-mouthing them on social media platforms will reflect poorly on yourself, and can be used against your case in court.
  • Forgetting to put your child first– The court will always prioritize what is best for the child over everything else, and you should do the same. Even if you do not like the other parent, if it would be best for your child to get some time with them then you should consider the options. Or if you want to move to another area, but doing so would harm the child’s life in some way, you may want to reconsider.
  • Manipulating the child– manipulating your children against the other parent will only make it more difficult for them to cope with the situation, which will impact your chances of a beneficial custody case. 
  • Not working with a former spouse where you can– Divorces aren’t always easy or pleasant, but outright refusing to work with a spouse can reflect negatively on your abilities as a parent. No matter how you feel about your former spouse, you should try to be open about working with them to create the best possible solution for your child.

Contact a Divorce Lawyer in Nassau County

Divorce cases can become complicated and emotional and can be very taxing on your day to day life while in one. But to get favorable custody, you should try to be calm, reasonable, and responsible. Working to assure the best possible future for your child is the goal of custody court, and should be yours as well. If you need help from a custody or divorce lawyer in Nassau County, contact us at Simonetti & Associates and see how we can help you. Visit our Nassau family ESQ today for more information. 

What is Divorce Mediation? – Nassau Divorce Lawyer

When considering a Nassau divorce lawyer, many people may believe the next step is for each spouse to get an attorney and prepare for a back-and-forth battle between them. You may believe the most effective way to get what you deserve out of a divorce is to settle it in a courtroom with a judge making all the decisions. However, this is less common and can be the more costly and aggressive way to resolve anything. Taking your divorce to the courtroom in hopes for any resolution often results in the final decision being one that may feel unfair or unjustified to one or both of the parties.

Mediation is a more effective and agreeable way to handle a proceeding divorce. At Simonetti & Associates, we have over 30 years of experience in mediation and can guide you through your divorce in a more fair and just way for both parties! Learn more about divorce mediation, and how a divorce lawyer in Nassau County can assist you. Visit our Nassau Family ESQ for assistance. 

What should I expect From A Nassau Divorce Lawyer?

If you and your spouse are considering getting a mediator, you can expect an unbiased divorce lawyer in Nassau County to go over the terms of the divorce and help the two of you negotiate into a conclusion that both of you feel is fair.

A mediator will typically allow the two parties to discuss what they want out of the divorce and will intervene with different options in order to help both parties receive the results they want. A good mediator is unbiased and doesn’t work for only one of the spouses, but instead allows them to work through it on their own, only offering help and guidance.

What are the benefits of working with a Nassau Lawyer?

The benefits of choosing Mediation vs. choosing the Court process include:

  • Mediation takes a shorter amount of time for each party to reach a resolution
  • Mediation costs both you and the courts less money
  • Mediation keeps all records private, whereas court records are made public
  • Mediation allows you to avoid testifying in a courtroom
  • Mediation allows YOU to have more of a say in the resolution

How can a Nassau County Family Lawyer help?

A Simonetti & Associates you’ll be able to find an attorney that can work to help you reach desirable and agreeable results for you and your spouse. With years of experience, a divorce lawyer in Nassau County will be able to help guide you through this process in the least stressful way possible. Contact us today for your FREE consultation!

Protecting Your Credit During The Divorce Process – Nassau County Divorce Lawyer

Divorces can be a life-altering experience. There are so many things to consider, like telling the kids, establishing visitation rights, and figuring out the financial aspects. Sometimes, it is hard to keep track of what comes next. One of those aspects you need to keep in check is your credit. Often times your credit score may plummet after getting a divorce. Although divorce is not the direct cause of your credit score dropping, it still does indirectly affect it. If you fear that your credit score will suffer from the divorce, a divorce lawyer in Nassau County at Simonetti & Associates can help you figure out the next steps. 

What causes credit to drop during a divorce? Ask A Nassau Divorce Lawyer

Divorce itself isn’t the cause of a damaged credit score. The reasons for the decrease in credit score are preventable. Below are a few of the most common reasons for credit scores to drop during the divorce process: 

  • Joint credit accounts – Usually, the judge rules that one of the two parties in a divorce must be in charge of certain payments for the joint credit account. But what happens when your ex doesn’t pay them? Not only does their score drop, but your name is on the line too!
  • You can’t pay your bills – It’s a difficult adjustment when you’re accustomed to your spouse’s income contributing to the bills. Even though you may have your own income, it takes some getting used to not having both to depend on.
  • A vengeful spouse – Some divorces can be messy and full of drama. If your ex-spouse has access to your bank accounts or credit cards, they may take advantage of that power. Your divorce lawyer in Nassau County can help mediate this issue.

How do you protect your credit score?

The idea of your credit score dropping is scary. There are ways to keep your credit where it should be:

  • Separate joint accounts – It’s no easy task to depend on your ex to pay the bills. See if transferring your joint accounts to the person who is responsible for the payments is a viable option.
  • Pay your bills – Not paying a bill in any situation usually doesn’t bode well for your credit score. It’s easy to lose track of your responsibilities, especially when in the midst of the divorce process. Always remain on top of your bills!
  • Adjust your lifestyle and create a budget – There may be a need for some changes to your usual routine, but these changes can help protect your credit score. You may need to move into a less expensive house, get a less expensive vehicle, go out to eat less, and reduce the amount of your weekly spending. 
  • Change passwords to account information – Although to some this may seem a bit dramatic, this will prevent a vengeful ex from wreaking havoc on your credit score. If your ex-spouse is financially dependent on you, ask your divorce lawyer in Nassau County before taking the next steps. 

Divorces can be messy, but don’t let it become a huge burden on your credit score. If you’re looking for a divorce lawyer in Nassau County, then contact Simonetti & Associates. Our firm specializing in family matters. When you come in for your FREE initial consultation, one of our lawyers can make sure you are taking the proper precautions when it comes to your divorce and handling your credit.


Divorce Lawyer in Nassau County – Simonetti & Associates!

Nassau Family Lawyer

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