How Might Divorce Affect Your Career

How Can Our Suffolk Family Lawyer Help?

For many years, divorces came along with a negative stigma attached. Aspects of one’s life that had nothing to do with their marriage could soon have been uprooted after the decision to file for this had been made. Fortunately, much of the negative connotations that came with divorces have subsided. However, that’s not to say that they can’t change aspects of your life. At Simonetti & Associates, we’ve seen this happen before. That is why our Suffolk family lawyer would like to share with you how a divorce may potentially affect your career.

A New Custody Situation

It should be good news to hear that the decision to get a divorce will not affect your career outright. Rather, the rulings made in the court will be what potentially impacts your work. For example, if you and your ex-spouse had children, the court will need to make a ruling on custody. Whatever custody arrangement is made may cause you to think about making changes to your career. If you work a taxing job with long hours and were granted what you view as an unfavorable custody arrangement because of this, our Suffolk family lawyer may suggest looking for new employment before contesting anything.

Unforeseen Expenses

The process of divorce itself can be financially draining. However, the money being spent may not stop there. Following a divorce, you can find yourself needing to make numerous payments you did not have to before. These additional payments may mean you need to begin searching for a higher paying job. Potential expenses include:

  • Child support
  • Alimony
  • Rent/payment for a new house

Reevaluating Your Past 

Going through a divorce is like ending an old chapter in your life. Our Suffolk family lawyer has seen clients use this as an opportunity to make additional changes as well. Some may have been meandering at a job they’re not truly happy with just because they like sticking to a routine. Sometimes, a divorce can be a shock to the system you need to make the career change you’ve been wanting to for years.

Contact Our Suffolk Family Lawyer Today    

No matter your current situation, seeking out high-quality representation when going through a divorce should be a top priority. At Simonetti & Associates, we’ll be there to get you through this time in your life. If you’re ready to file for your divorce and want to learn more about what this can mean for your career, be sure to contact our Suffolk family lawyer today.  

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