What Does A Prenuptial Agreement Cover?

When one decides to get married, the last thing on their mind will be what will happen during a divorce. Though this may be the case, a mindset such as this can end up hurting you down the line. Many of the headaches commonly experienced during a divorce can easily be avoided by signing a prenuptial agreement before getting married.  At Simonetti & Associates, our Long Island Prenup Lawyer can draft up this agreement to ensure that you and your estate remain protected.

What Is A Prenuptial Agreement?

A prenuptial agreement is a written contract two parties enter into before getting married. This contract is created by the two spouses who are about to be married and it dictates what each party’s property rights will be should the relationship end in a divorce. If you are looking to sign a prenuptial agreement before getting married, make sure you have our top Long Island prenup lawyer by your side. They’ll help draft and review the prenuptial agreement to ensure that it meets your standards and that you’re not taken advantage of.

What Is Covered?

Is it common to hear the term “prenup” being thrown around when it comes to the marriage of someone rich or famous. While this is true, celebrities are not the only ones who could benefit from working with a Long Island prenup lawyer. Below are some of the many benefits associated with signing a proper prenuptial agreement:

  • Protecting Yourself From Debt: When getting married, not only do you take on your spouse’s wealth, but you become associated with their debts as well. By signing a prenuptial agreement, you can ensure that you avoid inheriting debt that was never truly yours in the case of divorce.


  • Set Financial Boundaries: You don’t need to be wealthy to want to protect your assets. A prenuptial agreement will help determine what finances will remain yours when the divorce is final.



  • Avoid Arguments In A Divorce: Going through a divorce filled with arguments and disputes can be draining on both your time and finances. Having the same fights with your soon-to-be ex-spouse day in and day out can hinder your quality of life, which is where a prenuptial agreement can help. A prenup lays out all of the aspects that would likely be present during a divorce, eliminating the need for arguments if the time comes for a real one.


Our Long Island Prenup Lawyer

At Simonetti & Associates, our Long Island prenup lawyer wants to keep you protected.  Any divorce has the potential to be full of disagreements, which can lead to nothing but problems. By contacting our firm and creating a prenuptial agreement before getting married, you can avoid the risk of a messy divorce in the future. To learn more about how a prenuptial agreement can help you, don’t hesitate to reach out today.      

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