Parents that are divorced have an ongoing legal obligation to support their children. Unfortunately, many children grow up without the financial support they need when their parents fail to pay court-ordered support. Now more than ever, it’s harder for parents to skip out on making child support payments. Our Suffolk County family lawyer at Simonetti & Associates is here to help ensure your children get their entitled support and protect their rights. Continue reading on to learn more about the penalties for missed child support payments.
Establishing Child Support Obligations
Children require the financial and emotional support of both parents. However, many noncustodial parents are frustrated by the fact that they have to pay child support. Generally, the noncustodial parent must pay support on behalf of the children. Once a judge or child support agency establishes child support, the parent must pay for as long as the order is in place or until the child reaches the age of majority. In New York State, child support primarily depends on each parent’s respective income. Our Suffolk County family lawyer can work with you to negotiate the child support amount to ensure your child receives enough support.
Penalties For Missed Child Support Payments
Child support payments are often contested aspects of divorce proceedings. Parents who disregard their child support obligations can face serious consequences. A parent who is owed support may bring forward action on their own or with the help of a Suffolk County family lawyer. Here are some of the penalties for missed child support payments:
- Garnishment of income.
- Suspension or revocation of driver’s license or professional license.
- Passport restrictions.
- Seizure of property such as a car or home.
- Interception of tax refunds.
- Negative credit report.
- Court-ordered attorney fee payments.
- Lien on home or business.
One of the more serious penalties for a delinquent parent is contempt. In this case, the non-paying parent must pay all the support owing and could be subject to fines or jail time. If you are a custodial parent dealing with an ex-spouse who misses child support payments, our team at Simonetti & Associates is here to help!
Contact Our Suffolk County family lawyer For Help
If your former partner is missing or refusing to make payments despite being able to do so, Simonetti & Associates is here to help. Our dedicated Suffolk County family lawyer will help you understand your legal options. Be sure to contact us today to request a free consultation!