Do you live in the Bethpage area and are in need of a divorce lawyer or legal advice? Divorce is very common in this day in age, whether we like it or not, and there are a number of different ways to handle it. Simonetti and Associates located near Bethpage, New York have the right tools and options for your specific situation.
Mediation is one way to handle divorce in Bethpage, Long Island. It takes away a lot of the stress and aggravation that comes along with getting divorced. Of course every situation is different, but if both parties in the divorce are willing and able to sit down and figure out all of the logistics, a very decent amount of time, money, and stress can be avoided.
Mediation is when both parties involved with the divorce, sit down with a mediator and discuss all of their assets openly and honestly with each other and decide how they are going to be split up. This could be a very long and outdrawn process, but with a mediator it can be done very quickly and just as fairly if both partners can cooperate and agree with each other.
Mixing children into the divorce situation can create even more issues for both parents when it comes to figuring out who will be the primary caregiver, who will have custody, and all that stuff. When using a mediator to determine child custody, you should be as knowledgeable as possible before even taking a step into that meeting. Consult with your attorney first and make sure you know all the details necessary for the process to ensure that you are aware of all of your rights and don’t get taken advantage of in the deal.
Mediation is normally a voluntary action taken by both spouses, so when doing so you should already have a schedule made up for you and your child and anything else that could help move the process along.
So if you live in the Bethpage area and are in need of a divorce attorney, don’t hesitate to call Simonetti and Associates for your legal needs. We offer free consultations which can help you decide which path is right for you.
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