Long Island child custody modification before the school year starts.

Going through a divorce on Long Island can be tough for the children and adults involved, especially when it comes to child custody. After getting all of that worked out, some may choose to try and modify their child’s custody rights. Modifying may be granted if it is in the best interest of the child and if both parents can agree or a court has ruled it that way, but modifying right before the school year can be a little different.

In any child custody situation, the main concerns of the courts are what is going to be in the best interest for the child/children and the child/children’s welfare. Family courts granting child custody modifications before the school year should be making decisions based on the child and what will impact the child’s physical, psychological, spiritual, familial, educational, recreational, and emotional aspects.

The parenting plan that was originally ordered by the court for your kids may need to be reviewed as the circumstances change. The end of August is usually a very hectic time in family court because it is a time that divorced parents are conflicting with each other about their child and where they are to attend school. Consistency is very important in a child’s life and they should continue to go to whichever school they attended beforehand until the parents can come to an agreement or the courts can make a decision. If the child hasn’t been enrolled in a school yet, neither parents should enroll them in a school without discussing it with the other and coming to an agreement. Generally, the children should be registered with the school district of the parent that they spend most of their time with. Child custody modification can be difficult sometimes, and doing it right before your child’s school year begins can add even more complications.

Simonetti and Associates Law offices located on Long Island New York have the right lawyers to help you get through this difficult time in yours and your children’s lives. Call us for a consultation and we can figure out the right plan for you.