What happens when a child doesn’t want to have visitation? – Divorce Lawyer in Carle Place

It is common for divorced parents to experience situations in which their child does not want to have visitation with the other non-custodial parent. This creates difficulty when a parent is trying to manage their child’s emotional health as well as their legal obligations.

Simonetti & Associates is a Huntington Divorce Lawyer that can help you overcome issues that come along with family law. If your child doesn’t want to have visitation you should take these three steps:

  • Talk To Your Child

It is important for a parent to talk to their child and find out what the reasoning is behind their refusal. The child may feel as if visitation impedes on their other plans. Or they may feel resentment towards the other parent. There may even be a more serious reason such as abuse or neglect by the parent which should be addressed immediately.

  • Document Your Attempts To Follow The Custody Schedule

It becomes difficult when a parent does not want to see their child emotionally distressed but also does not want to risk getting in legal trouble. But if they allow their child to miss visits, the parent with sole custody may be accused of hindering the others visitation rights. Huntington Divorce Lawyer, Simonetti & Associates suggests listing every concern that arises when you try to adhere to the schedule.

  • Consider Updating Your Visitation Schedule

In New York State, the court strives for the child to have a strong relationship with both parents involved while still having the child’s best interest in mind. Visitation schedules can include alternating weekends and holidays or even school vacations. It is possible that your current schedule may be overwhelming for your child. If this is the case, you may want to consider creating a new schedule that caters more to your child’s needs.

If you are currently involved in this situation, Simonetti & Associates can help. Our Huntington Divorce Lawyer recognizes the sensitivity of the subject of family law and the issues that come along with it, which is why it is crucial to reach out to us for guidance. For more information about our affordable, high-quality legal counseling, feel free to contact us.