Are you dealing with an unfit mother, or is your ex-accusing you of being an unfit mother? If so, Simonetti & Associates is here to help with your child custody issues. As the best divorce lawyer on Long Island, we can help you achieve your child custody goals.
Before you come to us for legal help, it is important to know what an unfit mother is, to see if you or your ex-qualifies. Simply having different parenting styles do not qualify one as “unfit”. By law, an “unfit parent” is a parent who has been abusive, neglectful, or uncaring of the child. Often times unfit mothers will suffer from alcohol or drug dependency and have failed to seek treatment. If the mother has dealt with an addiction, either refused to seek treatment or denied the addiction, this could be grounds for calling her an unfit mother.
However, being an unfit mother extends beyond addiction. Below are examples of other instances where someone could be considered an unfit mother:
- Domestic violence
- Run-ins with the law
- Excessive discipline and emotional abuse of the child
- Sexual abuse
If you have experienced any of these problems with your ex, you could have grounds to deem them an unfit mother. With the best divorce lawyer on Long Island, Simonetti & Associates are here to help you and your children get out of whatever abusive situation you are dealing with.
On the other side of the coin, a spouse might accuse their ex of being “unfit”, even if they are not. If your ex has accused you of being an unfit mother, we are also there to help. We will work with you in court to disprove the allegations, using witness testimony, medical exams of you and/or your child, and police reports.
If you are looking the best divorce lawyer to deal with the unfit mother in your life, or to deal with unfit mother allegations, Simonetti & Associates are here to help. We will help you gain custody of your children, and make sure we do what is best for you and for them. Make sure to contact us today.