Millennials & Parenting
Highly publicized in online media, the habits and activities of millennials have become a polarizing topic in this day and age. Straying away from the traditional conversations of texting and entitlement, this piece will analyze millennials who have ventured into the realm of parenting. Your Huntington NY divorce lawyer understands parenting can be a bit challenging for anyone, let alone newcomers. Keep this article in mind when trying to understand the ordinary habits and tendencies of millennial parents.
Facts About Millennial Parents:
Waiting Game
- Typically, most millennial parents have shown a penchant for waiting a bit longer than previous generations to start a family. This can be due to a variety of factors, such as the impervious financial constraints that this generation is forced to endure. Like it or not, caring for a child will certainly cost a pretty penny.
Birth Control
- Also contributing to the delayed starts is stronger and more conscientious methods of birth control. Comparing the average age of a mother in 2015 (28) to the average age in 1990 (25) further justifies this fact.
Social Media
- Your Huntington NY divorce lawyer knows that the correlation between millennials and social media has been highly publicized. This goes for parents as well, as most millennials love to upload photos and videos of their children onto outlets such as Instagram and Facebook. This also works as an outstanding method for sharing updates on your immediate family with loved ones who may not live in close proximity.
Breaking The Mold
- Generationally speaking, previous breeds of parents tended to stick with more traditional methods when it comes to parenting. Your Huntington NY divorce lawyer has seen millennial parents who tend to be more open when it comes to raising their children. Some parents prefer to allow their child to leave their options open and explore less traditional matters when it comes to growing and learning about the world.
Contacting A Huntington NY Divorce Lawyer
If you’re interested in exploring your options and splitting up from your current spouse, consider contacting your local Huntington NY Divorce lawyer over at Simonetti & Associates. They offer a free consultation and other unique services that make them one of the best divorce attorneys on Long Island. Contact their office and schedule an appointment today.