What to do with the house during or after your divorce can oftentimes be the hardest decision in a divorce. Choosing the sell the house is many times the outcome that most couples decide upon. At Simonetti & Associates, our divorce lawyer in Hicksville can help you through this process and help you make the best decision for you.
Why sell the house after divorce:
Selling the house is a tough emotional decision because of the time you spent there but at the same time, it can also be a smart financial decision. The cost of living and keeping the house after a divorce can often be too high for just one person to maintain, especially after going through a divorce. There are a few different scenarios that you could find yourself in depending on your divorce:
- If you and your ex-spouse both co-own the house coming to an agreement on price and which agent to pick needs to be made before the house is sold.
- One spouse can buy-out the other spouse of their share of the house before it is sold, giving one spouse complete control of the house and the sale.
- Another common scenario is one spouse wants to sell but the other does not. This can become tricky because both you and your ex-spouse own the house but both do not want to sell it. In this case, a having our divorce lawyer in Hicksville can help resolve this situation.
Selling your house after a divorce is not an easy thing to do but many times is the best choice financially and to help you move on from your divorce. At Simonetti & Associates, our divorce lawyer in Hicksville will be able to help you understand your options, on what to do with your house, and what decision you should make that is most beneficial to you financially. Be sure to contact us today to set up a free consultation.