Financial Tips To Follow Before Finalizing Your Divorce – Divorce attorney in Nassau County

Financial Issues and Divorce

Divorce is never something a newlywed couple wants to plan for, but it is something that couples need to think about. Around 40-50% of marriages in the United States end in divorce so it is imperative that you have a plan if your marriage ends in divorce. Consult with a divorce lawyer to make sure you are getting a divorce the right way. Simonetti & Associates, a Hicksville Divorce Lawyer, helps to keep the emotions out of it and makes sure you get the best out of a bad situation.

Divorce not only strains the relationship on your family but could potentially strain your financial situation even further. In order to keep divorce costs at the lowest they could be, you need to consider financial tips to follow before finalizing your divorce.

Financial Tips to Follow Before Finalizing a Divorce

Divorce can end up being expensive and something that is not budgeted.  With these few tips and a divorce lawyer, you will be able to come out of your divorce financially stable.


  • Make a budget: The divorce process could end up being expensive, so it is important you have a budget to stick with. Also, you need to think about how you will pay for your expenses without having your spouse to support you financially.
  • Have a plan: If there are children involved you need to plan how expenses, like college and medical expenses, will be settled after your divorce is finalized. If you have any questions on how to resolve these issues visit Simonetti & Associates, a Hicksville Divorce Lawyer, to learn how to make this less stressful.
  • Start separating: Now is the time to open up your own bank account and start figuring out your important assets. It is time to remove separate joint accounts and remove their name from your will. It could be difficult to decide who gets what, which is why hiring a divorce lawyer like Simonetti & Associates of Hicksville takes away the emotional and financial burden.



How Could We Help?

Divorce is not something that should be handled alone and without help. Visit Simonetti & Associates, a Hicksville Divorce Lawyer, to make sure you let the experts handle it. We were voted the Best Divorce Lawyer in 2018 by Best of LI. Contact us for a FREE no obligation consultation. We are affordable and trustworthy and make it our job to ease you into this process with efficiency.