Category Archives: Annulment


divorce lawyer in Massapequa

Reasons to Choose Annulment Over Divorce – Divorce Lawyer in Massapequa

Are you currently unhappy in your marriage? Have you thought about the different options with your partner? Some have difficulty deciding whether to have an annulment or a divorce,  some do not know the difference and which will be the best option for your life and family. Our divorce lawyer in Mas...
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divorce lawyer in Huntington, NY

The Difference Between a Divorce and an Annulment

Do you know the difference between a divorce and an annulment? If you are going through a difficult time in your marriage and have thought of terminating it, did you know that there are two legal ways to do so?  These legal options are either filing for a divorce or an annulment. One might think [&...
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Divorce vs. Annulment in NY

We’ve all made mistakes. Most of the time, we have to learn to live with those mistakes as we try to make better choices in the future. However, every once in awhile we make mistakes that, for whatever reasons, we do not feel we could learn to live with without harmful consequences. In this case, ...
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