Category Archives: Divorce lawyer in Northport

Divorce lawyer in Northport

Mental Illness and Child Custody – Divorce lawyer in Northport

Mental illness is on the rise in the United States and it is beginning to pose as an issue when couples who have children together are filing for divorce. Child custody on its own is often difficult and stressful, and adding a mental illness into the mix can be even more confusing. It is important [...
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How Is Visitation Decided in New York? – Divorce Lawyer in Northport

Divorce is not something that is easy to go through, and when children are involved it can become even harder.  Sometimes joint custody can be issued by the court, but when sole custody is given, visitation comes into play.  But how does that work? As a Huntington Divorce Lawyer, we are here to he...
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Challenges of Divorce in my 20’s – Divorce Lawyer in Northport

In our thirty plus years of experience providing quality legal services throughout Long Island, we have strived to assist our clients in navigating the ups and downs of divorce trials, while maintaining a compassionate and comfortable environment. If you are looking for a divorce lawyer in Huntingto...
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How can I terminate my domestic partnership? – Divorce lawyer in Northport

How can I terminate my domestic partnership? Domestic Partnership was created with the intention of giving same-sex couples the opportunity to benefit from economic and legal security. Today, domestic partnership is an option for many couples as an alternative to legal marriage. Like marriage, domes...
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Who gets custody of our dog?- Divorce lawyer in Northport

Resolving who gets custody of the beloved family pet is one of the many aspects that accompany divorce. Despite the emotional attachment, pets are actually considered personal property under the law. If you are involved in a custody dispute involving your pet, contact Simonetti & Associates Law...
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Advice & Divorce – Divorce lawyer in Northport

People give advice but it’s not always right for you Sometimes we turn our attention to our friends and family for advice because we need someone who is close to us to guide us through the difficult time that we are going through. We could use our friends and families for advice, but their kno...
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Social Security Benefits And Divorce – Divorce lawyer in Northport

Social ѕесuritу bеnеfitѕ are еxtrеmеlу hеlрful tо the еldеrlу. Buying grосеriеѕ and being able to live a comfortable life iѕ often made роѕѕiblе with thеѕе monthly checks. In the еvеnt оf a divоrсе, a former spouse may be able tо collect ѕоmе оf thеir spous...
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Prenup – Divorce lawyer in Northport

If you are planning on getting married anytime soon, you should also be thinking about getting a prenuptial agreement (prenup for short). There are many reasons today why couples will go this route, due to the abundance of marriages that end in divorce. When prenuptial agreements are discussed, many...
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Divorce and Genetics – Divorce lawyer in Northport

Is there a link between genetics and divorce?   Did you grow up with divorced parents and now find yourself in the same boat? Have you ever thought that there may be a gene that correlates to your likelihood of getting divorced? Well, a new study found this year, states that this may be the [&h...
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Is Your Divorce Really Uncontested? – Divorce lawyer in Northport

Not every divorce is messy and argumentative. Some divorces are cut and dry. You know what you want, your ex-spouse knows what they want. This is what’s called an uncontested divorce. In an uncontested divorce you typically skip the court and legal fees and you and your ex-spouse have agreed upon ...
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