Tag Archives: Suffolk County Divorce Attorney

Suffolk County Divorce Attorney

Death of Spouse During the Divorce Process

Divorce is a difficult decision that will affect the remainder of your life. However, with a good lawyer, the difficulties of the process can be eased. Lawyers can help with the following divorce-related issues: child custody and visitation alimony child support the distribution of property/assets p...
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Challenge Proof Prenuptials

Prenuptial agreements are a common practice, especially when it comes to modern day marriages. Writing up prenuptial agreements can help prevent a myriad of potential complications if divorce were ever to occur. Unfortunately, when it comes to drafting these terms, there is a strong potential for mi...
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Same-Sex Divorce In Your 30’s

It is no surprise that same-sex divorce during your thirties is a long, complicated and draining process. Putting an end to something that was such a big part of your life can be extremely difficult. Same-sex divorce puts a tremendous amount of stress on those going through it and the people around ...
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Co-parenting with Your Ex

Maintaining a healthy relationship with your ex can be a challenge for anybody. Adding a child to the relationship as a third party can make that task all the more challenging, but all the more necessary at the same time. Getting a divorce does not mean that your child has to grow up feeling as [&he...
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Why you should leave a toxic marriage.

Everyone enters marriage with the expectation that it will last forever. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case and hundreds of thousands of marriages end in divorce each year. There are several things that can break down a marriage- whether it be infidelity, lack of communication, lack of inti...
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Divorce does not have to break a family

Divorce often allows former partners in a dysfunctional couple to feel as though they can wipe the metaphorical slate clean and go their separate ways towards whatever happiness was lacking in the relationship. In situations such as these, which include only two parties, a minimal amount of communic...
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What is Conscious Uncoupling?

For all parties involved, divorce can be a very traumatic and difficult. When examining a divorce, it is clear in most cases that only time will heal the pain. There is now a new term that is more powerful and positive, called conscious uncoupling. It is known that approximately 50% of marriages end...
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Self-Care During The Divorce Process

No matter the reasoning behind the divorce, couples are bound to experience a long, internal struggle throughout each stage of the process. Studies have shown the dramatic emotional effects divorcees become vulnerable to during such a chaotic timeline. The supporting evidence has called for more se...
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When is the best time to get a divorce?

The saying “timing is everything” can apply to many things but is divorce one of them? Although you might not think any time is a good time to get a divorce, timing is everything when it comes to filing for a divorce. January is the start of a new year and new beginnings, which is […]...
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Centerport Divorce Lawyer

Though we are located in Nassau county, Simonetti and Associates has been serving divorcees all over Long Island including those residing in Centerport. For the fourth year in a row, we have won “Best Divorce Lawyer on Long Island” by Bethpage Federal Credit Union for our outstanding efforts in ...
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